Thursday, 28 October 2021

Times tables speed test

 Thursday the 28th of October 2021. 

Today Room 2 students did a times tables speed test at 

The results were: 

Zion -3.86 sec

Zhane 4.84 sec

Moses - 13/20 3.84 sec

Vakasa - 14/15 speed - 4.94sec



This is the data you will see:

room 2 Goals are to learn your time's tables. The speed test helps you to improve your instant recall of the times tables. Set your goal to bet your points each week.

Friday, 22 October 2021

Typing Speed Test

 Today we tried a typing speed test on I scored 27 words per minute. The average person can type 36 words per minute. The good thing is that I can get better. My goal is to reach 38 words per minute by next Friday the 29th of October. Log in and see what you can do. 

This site also provides Typing courses to help you be more efficient and type faster and improve accuracy. 

Wednesday, 20 October 2021

Blog Reflection

 In my blog reflection, I am learning how to add a Gif to make my blog look fantastic! 


When I found a Gif that I liked on the Giffy webpage I copied the embed code and pasted it onto my blog post under the HTML mode. The Good thing was that I can add an anamation to entice my reader to my Blog. The Bad thing is that there are so many to choose from. When Blogging and using Giffy, I need to choose a Gif that goes with my topic.

Leaning about blogging 1

I kid you not, Room 2 are pretty good at blogging! They have taught their teacher a thing or two. 

Today our lesson on Blogging was a refresher about Why we Blog and to add more detail. Today we shared our thoughts about why we Blog and the information that informs our readers. 

We quickly looked at how to create a Reflective Blog, which helps us focus on our learning. We also looked at how to label our blog for easy searching when we need to find our Reading, Writing, or Maths reflections. 

Here are thoughts about the reasons for blogging.

Who are our Audience? 

What information do we need? 

Here is a New template we use to add more detail and make our blogging reflective. 


Tuesday, 19 October 2021

Welcome Back to Term 4, 2021

  Welcome Back to Term 4 of 2022! 


It's been a long time I lockdown and we are all looking forward to getting back to school. 

Today we tried our first interactive learning using Nearpod and managed to add our ideas for each of the following questions. Which helped us to begin thinking about goals for Term 4.

Here are my thoughts: 

  1. Reflection on Lockdown. 

      What I didn't like about Lockdown was having to stay inside.

My mother turned 90 years old on the 15th of October and I couldn't go home to share her birthday with her. Fortunately family had small gatherings and celebrations for her and she celebrated all week!

  1. What we are looking forward to when we go back to school. 

I'm looking forward to seeing all my students and all their fabulous smiles when we can finally go back to school. 

  1. What we want to get out of school in term 4. 

I want to prepare my students for next year. Their learning in 2022. Most of all have some fun at school.

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